The Biennale for Milk / Yaniv Amar / Gallery Be'eri / 2019
The "Biennale for Milk" exhibition opened in March 2019 and presented inside the old abandoned milking parlor in Kibbutz Beeri, which stands in the garage area on the edge of the kibbutz and stands before demolition and construction of a neighborhood to expand the kibbutz. Project curator Dr. Ziva Yellin, with the help of Sophie Berzon Mackay
Kibbutz Be'eri is one of the eleven settlements that settled in the Negev on the eve of "Yom Kippur" 1946, now 72 years old. The milking parlor building was built in the 1950s alongside the cowshed. In the 1980s it was abandoned, and a new and more sophisticated milking center was built in front of it.
More than a decade ago, the cowshed in Bari moved to a large regional dairy farm, in partnership with three communities, because there was no more profitable dairy. Since then, the second building has been deserted. A new agricultural sector has recently been established in the area, "Hinomann" greenhouses, knowledge-intensive agriculture and technology for growing algae as food.
"The Biennale for Milk" is a large-scale artistic project that combine the work of the two artists- Yaniv Amar and Atar Geva, and a joint research on the space booth in which the project will be presented. The exhibition spread over two different centers - the abandoned old milking parlor in the kibbutz, and the newer milking parlor in the same era.
The exhibition deals with the physical and moral gap created between milk, which was once considered a staple food, healthy and nutritious, and the future supernatural food, spirulina seaweed, between the past and present agriculture, the essence of the architectural structure emptied of its functional content and its contemporary role as an art space. The old milking parlor by the artist Yaniv Amar is a sanctuary, with its ecclesiastical structure, in front of Amar's work, the artist Atar Geva presenting at the newer milking parlor, where Spirulina fields are held in giant pistons hovering in the air, constantly bubbling with their greenish light.
At the old milking parlor, Amar paved the interior of the building with hand-painted tiles, the milking stages turned into a dry bridge and a large water basin, turquoise-tiled water fountains lead water through a natural filtration system dug into the ground and nourishes floating gardens in the era. A dead cell becomes a beast and animals return naturally to revive the place. The windows in the building were covered with stained glass windows showing the historical flora and fauna of the west Negev, the Gaza era. Inspired by and Through a mapping of the protected spaces and their shape or their characteristic and boring design, Amar produced a model and create hundreds of tiles made of iron-reinforced concrete that meet safety standards. Amar paved the floor of the building with these tiles and created a decorate poetic white concrete floor. The protected space that was placed next to the exhibition is also part of the project, in which Amar worked for two months with youth from the Gaza perimeter, and together they turned the protected area into a living installation, where life takes place under war.
The exhibition will be displayed until Friday, 26/04/2019. From this date the electricity and water will be cut off from the site and the work will continue to exist, until the demolition of the property, aging without energy, will be abandoned property or abandoned artwork.